Water Spider Brings Fire to the World
Long ago, there was no fire and the earth was cold. The animals, who had left Galun’lati because it had become too crowded, cried up in despair at their misfortune.
“We are cold!” They cried to the Thunderers, who still looked down from above.
Hearing this cry, The Thunderers sent down a flash of lightening to strike the bottom of a hollow sycamore tree which grew on a distant island. From it, fire sprouted forth, and the animals stared in awe of the distant light. However, the Thunderers often made choices that to us seem illogical or strange, and even the animals weren’t sure how they were going to retrieve this new asset. They held council to decide what to do next.
Raven, who at the time had beautiful, pristine, white feathers, offered to fly across the water first. He flew across the water and landing on a branch of the sycamore tree. As he sat there, pondering what to do next, the smoke and heat from the fire rose, scorching his beautiful feathers black. So frightened by the power of fire, he flew back without it. This is why his feathers are black to this very day.
Then the Screech Owl volunteered to go next, and arrived at the tree safely, but when she peered down into the tree, a blast of hot air came up and nearly burned her eyes out. She managed to fly back to the other animals, but it was a long time until she was able to see again. That is why her eyes and the eyes of her children are red.
Now, none of the birds wanted to go, for fear for their safety. Instead, the Racer Snake offered to go. He swam through the water and to the island, darting into a small hole at the bottom. By then it was too late, however, as the smoke and heat blinded him as well. He dodged over the hot ashes, looking for a way out until he himself was scorched black himself. And that is why is known as the Black Racer Snake–for his dark scales and the darting motion he makes as he travels (as though he is trying to escape something).
Next was the great Black Snake, though at the time he was only known as the Climber for how he would hang from the branches of all trees. But as he did so, he peered down and was nearly blinded just as Screech Owl had. He fell inside the trunk and before he could climb out again he had been turned as black as the Black Racer Snake.
The animals then held another council. They were still without fire and the earth was still cold, but no one wanted to go in fear of what could happen to them. Many came up with excuses as to why they could not go, too afraid to venture too close.
Finally, Water Spider said she would go.
“But you are so small!” The animals asked, disbelievingly. “How will you bring back fire?
But Water Spider spun a thread from her body and wove it into a tusti bowl, which she fastened to her back. Then she swam across to the island and climbed through the grass to the fire. There, Water Spider put a tiny little coal into her bowl and swam back with it.
And that is how fire came to the world.